Position Opportunity
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, Auburn AL
(Posted 08/30/2022 – Application Deadline 10/15/2022)
The Parish
Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, located a few blocks from Auburn University, is among the ten largest Episcopal congregations in the Diocese of Alabama. The multi-generational parish includes young families, college students, faculty members and other professionals, and active retirees. Under capable clergy direction, the church has developed strong lay leadership, especially in children’s formation, relational missions, music, and stewardship. The parish values liturgy that unites us in Christ, preaching that deepens our knowledge of God, and holy fellowship that sustains us for the work of ministry.
The Opportunity
Holy Trinity seeks an experienced, full-time rector, its sixth since the parish was founded in 1957. The rector will lead a program staff of three clergy and nine laypersons. The congregation desires in its next rector, above all, the gifts of preaching, instruction, and pastoral care—gifts that working together will encourage us to mature in faith, discover possibilities for ministry, and find our own lives in the story of God’s saving acts. To lead this program-level parish, our next rector will also require gifts of administration, talent development, and oversight, so that the full potential of staff members and parishioners can be engaged.
To Apply
Please submit all application materials to the Rev. Canon Geoff Evans at gevans@dioala.org
A complete application packet for this position will consist of three elements:
Current Résumé
Individual Ministry Portfolio through the Office of Transition Ministry of the Episcopal Church
A cover letter briefly addressing two of the following questions:
What appeals to you about our community?
How do you propose to develop relationships with parishioners of Holy Trinity?
What aspects of ministry are you most passionate about?
How would you describe the perfect service or sermon?
Why are you interested in becoming the Rector of Holy Trinity?