Lay Ministry


Holy Trinity is a liturgical church, which means that we share in a tradition of worship that goes back to the early days of Christianity. The term “liturgy” comes from a Greek word meaning “the work of people.” Our liturgy is the lived-out expression of what we believe, offered to the praise and glory of God.

Youth in 4th grade and older can serve as Acolytes at Holy Trinity. Our church has a number of liturgical roles from torch bearer and acolyte to crucifer and gospeller. Acolytes help during the Sunday morning worship services by participating in a variety of duties, including carrying the cross in procession (crucifer), carrying the torches (torch bearer) and carrying the gospel book (gospeller). They also assist the celebrant in preparing the Altar for the Eucharist (crucifer). All youth from grades 4 through 12 are encouraged to serve as acolytes, and trainings are held several times a year. If your child needs additional help, we offer a training manual for them to look over as often as needed. To view the Acolyte Manual, please click here. If you are interested in becoming an acolyte, please contact Laura Meadows.

Chalice Assistants and Lectors  

Chalice assistants are confirmed parishioners who
administer the chalice during communion at the Sunday services. They
serve on a rotating schedule, and training is required. If you are interested
in becoming a chalice assistant, please contact Laura Meadows

Lectors are parishioners who read the scriptural lessons or lead the
Prayers of the People at the Sunday services. Lectors serve on a rotating basis, and training is required. If you are interested in reading for one of the Sunday services, please contact Laura Meadows.


Ushers work together as a team, rotating throughout the year. Some of the duties include greeting churchgoers as they arrive, helping to orient guests and newcomers to our church, handing out the bulletins, assisting with seating, recording service attendance and answering questions. Arriving early for services, ushers help prepare the entry area of the church for services, collect and present the offering during the service and direct people to and from their seats during communion. Ushers also serve at special services during holidays, holy days and funerals. We would like to invite anyone interested in this ministry to join us. Please contact Laura Meadows if you would like to be an usher.