

At Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, music serves as an integral part of our worship. Whether participation takes the form of offering your musical talent as the prelude to our worship service, singing in the Holy Trinity Choir or singing a hymn from the pew, it is our goal to incorporate every member of Holy Trinity into the musical life of our parish. Holy Trinity proudly offers a traditional musical liturgy in the Anglican tradition.


Dr. Matthew Hoch
Minister of Music

Jane Leland

Camille Rivenbark
Children’s Choir Director


The Holy Trinity Choir rehearses each Wednesday at 7 pm during the program year and sings at the 11 am service on Sunday mornings. The choir’s role in worship includes offering a weekly anthem and psalm setting. Most important, the choir offers musical leadership during the communal singing of service music and hymns. The choir is always seeking new members, so if you are interested in participating, please contact Matthew Hoch.

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Children’s Choir

The Holy Trinity Children’s Choir meets on Wednesdays during the program year from 6–6:45 pm. The children’s choir sings during the 9 am Sunday service each month, September through April. The program is open to all children in kindergarten through 8th grade. We would love to have your child join us in our music ministry here at Holy Trinity. It is a great way for them to enjoy fellowship together and participate in serving God during our worship service. If your child is interested in becoming a part of the Holy Trinity Children’s Choir, please contact Camille Rivenbark.

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Holy Trinity Choral Scholars Program

The Holy Trinity Choir warmly welcomes talented college and university students to join its ranks. Students who are gifted in music and strong sight readers who are able to make a regular Wednesday–Sunday commitment may be eligible to qualify for a Choral Scholar position. All students are welcome and encouraged to audition regardless of denominational background. For more information about the Choral Scholars program, please contact Matthew Hoch.

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