Christian Faith Formation in The Episcopal Church is Lifelong growth in the knowledge, service and love of God as followers of Christ and is informed by Scripture, Tradition and Reason.

Lifelong Formation, or education, is the formal, informal and non-formal means by which we learn about and pass on our faith to others. Lifelong formation begins at birth and ends at death. It holds not only the long vision, but also the moment-to-moment experiences and learning we encounter on a daily basis. Across the lifespan, Holy Trinity has programs that will foster growth, deepen faith and inspire ministry in parishioners of every age.

Adult Offerings


The Rev. Pete Burgess, Rector

Whether you are a cradle Episcopalian or have just begun your journey,
Holy Trinity strives to offer quality Christian education for our parish adults as well. Studying sacred scripture is a vital part of our Christian discipleship, as we seek to be confronted continually by God in Christ and by life-changing grace. We also believe in immersing ourselves in the wise words of faithful Christians who have gone before us—from C.S. Lewis to Augustine to George Eliot and Flannery O’Connor, it’s a joy to learn from the wisdom of others whose faith in Christ precedes ours.

New classes will begin Sept. 15, 2024.

Adult Sunday School

Sundays, 10 am

Adult Sunday School meets in the Parish Hall during the 10 am Formation hour during the program year (September–May). This year, our focus will be on the subject of prayer—the definition and purpose of prayer, the many forms of prayer, and the people (past and present) who serve as guides to our own practices of prayer. Over these ten sessions, we will hear from a variety of presenters and each day will have its own particular focus. Grab your coffee and join us!

Adult Confirmation & Inquirers Class

3rd Saturdays, 10 am

Confirmation class is for those who wish to go deeper in their faith and/or formalize their membership in the Episcopal Church and Holy Trinity. We will begin classes Aug. 17, 2024. Classes will be held monthly on the Third Saturday through April 19, 2025. If you are interested in joining our next Confirmation class, please email Laura Meadows.

Education for Ministry (EfM)

Tuesdays, 2 pm


Education for Ministry (EfM) is a four-year course developed by the School of Theology at Sewanee. EfM provides an in-depth study of scripture, church history, theology and ethics—and a wonderful community experience. The journey helps participants better connect faith with their daily lives through reading and discussion. Members dig into scriptures, as well as broader Judeo-Christian tradition—Think Theologically; Reflect Faithfully; Practice Speaking Civilly in situations when others’ beliefs and principles may challenge their own. The new year will begin Sept. 3, 2024. If you are interested in learning more about EFM, please contact Leigh Nix.