Ministries and Activities
Because our journey is strengthened by walking, talking and learning with others, Holy Trinity strives to offer a variety of ministries for our members and visitors. We hope you will discover a ministry of your own that will nurture your faith and allow you to help the growth of others.
If you would like more information on any of our ministries, please contact us. To view a full list of ministries and decide how to share your gifts, please join us for Ministry Day in September.
Altar Guild
The work of the Altar Guild occurs quietly behind the scenes. We assist the clergy and other worship leaders in ensuring that worship services run smoothly. We care for all items used in worship, from the sacred vessels and candlesticks, to the linens and hangings, which we change seasonally or
to accommodate special pastoral events.
We work to make our church a place of meditation, peace and joy for all.
It is with reverence that the Altar Guild prepares the altar for all services at Holy Trinity. We welcome anyone who would like to join this meaningful ministry. If you are interested in learning more about Holy Trinity’s Altar Guild, please contact the church office, 887-9506.
Flower Guild
Although the Flower Guild is responsible for decorating the church during special events and maintaining a sign up sheet for weekly flower donations, we believe our most important ministry is the rearranging of the altar flowers following the 11:00 service, which we then deliver to members of our parish family.
Each week members of our guild create small bouquets from the altar flowers and deliver them to parishioners who are sick, grieving, newly baptized or recently confirmed.
If you would like to join the Flower Guild or would like to learn more about this ministry, please contact the church office.
Birthday Card Ministry
A group of volunteers take turns mailing birthday cards to our senior members each month. If you would like to help with this ministry, please email the church office.
Monarch Morning Prayer
Monarch Estates is a Senior Living Facility in Auburn, with many residents who are unable to attend services in person at Holy Trinity or other churches in the area. Each Monday at Monarch Estates, Holy Trinity holds a 10 am Morning Prayer liturgy for the residents, which is led by one of our rectors or lay ministers. The 10–15-minute service is open to anyone and does not include the Holy Eucharist.
If you are interested in participating in Monarch services on Mondays, check the sign-up sheet in the church office.
The Meal Ministry
The Meal ministry is dedicated to reaching out and supporting parishioners who are experiencing life changes … happy or sad. Our goal is to serve parishioners at times when it is most important for them to feel the support of the Holy Trinity family.
This may be the birth or the adoption of a new baby, a recent marriage, the loss of a loved one, an upcoming surgery or hospital stay, or even the loss or start of a new job. The support is limitless! Please know that each need is different. Sometimes a meal is needed, but other times the need is just to receive a card, words of encouragement, a hug, a phone call, a basket of coffee, tea and muffins or a homemade treat.
If you are interested in being a part of the The Meal Ministry, please email Laura Meadows.
The Guild of the Holy Comforter
The Guild of the Holy Comforter offers a ministry of hospitality to families and friends of the bereaved in the form of receptions with simple refreshments either before or after the funeral or memorial service. No matter the size, we want to make the reception as welcoming and attractive as possible. When there is a death, the clergy will notify the Chair of the Guild of the Holy Comforter, and then that person makes contact with the family to discuss their wishes. Receptions are held in the Parish Commons. Please contact Laura Meadows if you need more information.
Wise & Wonderful
Wise & Wonderful is a group of adults “somewhere over 50” at Holy Trinity, who meet for fellowship once a month. Everyone is always welcome to join us! If you have questions about this ministry or would like to be included in future Wise & Wonderful communications, please click here.
The Men’s Group
The Men’s Group gathers on Thursdays at 7 am for fellowship and prayer. They meet in-person on the first Thursday of each month, then meet via Zoom on the other Thursdays. The Men’s Group also holds social gatherings throughout the year—most notably the overnight Butt Roast, where they cook dozens of Boston Butts, which are then sold to support the group’s charitable efforts. The men also help out with maintenance around the church grounds as needed—including yard work not performed by the church’s lawn service, some light construction, pruning and painting as requested. If you are interested in learning more about the Men’s Group of Holy Trinity, please contact Jeff Stallworth.
Looking for a way to learn more about Christ and to grow deeper in your faith? Looking for a tool to help maintain a spiritual Rule of Life? Consider attending a Cursillo weekend! Cursillo (Cur–SEE’–yo) is a three-day weekend at Camp McDowell where lay people and clergy share their experiences and perspectives on a variety of topics related to the love of God, the Christian life and the Christian community. The weekend consists of talks, group time, worship, fellowship and fun! Through Cursillo, we seek a deeper understanding of the teachings of Jesus and how we can serve Him. Cursillo starts with a three-day weekend, but the best is yet to come!
If you are interested in attending a Cursillo weekend or just learning more, contact Betsy Stallworth and visit the Alabama Cursillo website: