Welcome to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church!

We’re glad you’re visiting Holy Trinity. Our church welcomes newcomers with open arms and open hearts. This is a dynamic church where there is an important place for you to serve, worship, lead and follow the risen Lord. 



Join our Worship.

We believe worship to be the primary act of our lives; our understanding of who God made us to be, and where Jesus leads us all flows from our worship of God in Christ. We’re a liturgical church; this just means that we go in for traditional worship and add a lot of stand up, sit down. If you’re not sure what to do, where to sit, how to take communion, etc.—do not worry. Please ask an usher, greeter, the Vestry person on duty (VPOD), clergy, staff member, or the person right next to you for help. For the Sunday Worship schedule, click here. You can tune into online worship by clicking here.

Fill out a Visitor Card.

Blue Visitor cards are available in the pews. Please fill this out and place it in the offering plate or hand it to one of the ushers. You will also find a card in the pews that has a QR code that will direct you to a link where you can complete a Visitor card online. Likewise, you can click the button below and submit your information. We will reach out to you in the manner that you prefer to answer any questions or to help you get connected.

Join us for Sunday School.

On Sunday mornings at 10 am, we gather for fellowship and formation. The topics change throughout the year. Check the Wednesday emails to learn the upcoming weekly offering.

Attend Confirmation & Inquirers Class.

This class is for those who wish to go deeper in their faith and/or formalize their membership in the Episcopal Church and Holy Trinity. Classes will meet monthly Aug. 17, 2024–April 19, 2025. If you are interested in joining our next Confirmation & Inquirers class, please email Laura Meadows.

Receive our newsletter, Come Holy Spirit.

The newsletter, Come Holy Spirit, is mailed out to parishioners’ homes seasonally. It provides pertinent information about Sunday formation, worship services, relational missions, music notes, important upcoming events, and a monthly calendar insert. Questions? Email Mary Littleton.

Subscribe to our Weekly Emails.

The Wednesday email, Holy Trinity Happenings, provides information and links to Sunday services, worship, formation, fellowship opportunities and ministry work/offerings at Holy Trinity. To receive the weekly emails, contact Mary Littleton. Call, email or stop by during office hours. You can find us just off Gay Street on 100 Church Drive. Call us at 334-887-9506 or email the church office here.

We’re imperfect people following a perfect savior. There’s a place for you here.