Join Us For Worship!


8 am Holy Eucharist Rite I in the nave

9 am Holy Eucharist Rite II in the nave
Nursery for ages 0-3
Children’s Chapel for age 4 to 5th grade
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10 am Adult and Children’s Sunday School

11 am Holy Eucharist Rite II in the nave
Nursery for ages 0-3


5 pm Centering Prayer in the chapel


12 pm Healing Service with Eucharist


Latest Sermon

“We Will Sing Alleluia Again”

Sunday, March 2, 2025
The Rev. Pete Burgess


Education & Formation Offerings

We strive to take the Gospel seriously without taking ourselves too seriously. We welcome you to join us in the kingdom work that God has prepared for us. There is a place for you here.









Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper March 4

Join your parish friends and dig in for a last indulgence before Lent begins. Holy Trinity's Annual Pancake Supper will be held next Tuesday, March 4, 5:30–7 pm, in the Parish Hall.

Why do we eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday? 

Around 600 AD, Pope Gregory prohibited Christians from eating all forms of meat and animal products during Lent. He sent a letter to Saint Augustine of Canterbury, the founder of the Christian church in southern England, instructing him to enforce those same fasting rules in England. Those “animal products” included eggs, milk and butter, so over a few centuries those early English Christians took to making pancakes on Tuesday to use up their supplies of dairy products before the start of Lent on Ash Wednesday.

Day School Art Showcase

Art Exhibit & Dinner Wednesday, March 26

Come to Holy Trinity Episcopal Day School’s student art exhibit and enjoy dinner and fellowship on Wednesday, March 26, 5:30–7 pm in the Parish Hall. Everyone is welcome!

APBP Offers Ways to Help Moms in Prison

Cookies for Breastfeeding
Holy Trinity's ECW met in February to learn about the Alabama Prison Birth Project (APBP) and its work to maintain mother–child bonds through the support of breastfeeding. The women baked lactation cookies to send to the prison. A lot of dough was leftover, so it was rolled into balls and frozen in the downstairs chest freezer. If you would like to bake some for a future meal, just click here to sign up to bring dessert for an upcoming meal. You'll just need to thaw the dough in advance and bake @350 for 11–14 min.

Collecting Picture Books
We will also be collecting picture books in March for mothers at Tutwiler to use during mother-child visits or for recording stories to send to their children, especially those featuring different cultures and family caregivers. If you are interested in contributing a purchased or gently used book, please see our recommended list and signup to prevent duplicates.

If you have questions or want to know how you can get involved with APBP, contact Stephanie Ennis.

Adult Formation Series: Seculosity

Coffee and Conversation

The Parish Hall — 10 am

The Adult Formation Class is studying David Zahl’s book Seculosity: How Career, Parenting, Technology, Food, Politics, and Romance Became Our New Religion and What To Do About It through the spring. As the title suggests, Seculosity, unpacks the ways that the secular components of our lives can crowd out and even take the place of the sacred. Join us for coffee and conversation in the Parish Hall on Sundays at 10 am.
Work, relationships, parenting, technology—any of these facets of our lives can become “unintended replacement religions,” and it takes intentionality and commitment to recenter ourselves in God’s grace. Each week we will read a chapter of the book and come together on Sunday to discuss how these forces are at work in our own lives and the all-important question—what to do about it?
Author David Zahl is an Episcopal lay minister in Charlottesville, Va., and founder of Mockingbird Ministries, “an organization devoted to ‘connecting the Christian faith with the realities of everyday life.’” Seculosity is available in paperback, hardback, digital and audio formats and is available for purchase by clicking here, or by pressing the button below.

Recent Events

Creation Care Composting Workshop

Participants in “Composting as Spiritual Discipline” Workshop

Creation Care's Composting Workshop attracted many participants, some of whom came from other parishes. They learned about "Composting as Spiritual Discipline" from Rev. Sarah Smith Halloran of Grace Episcopal Church (Pike Road).

Recycling: We need folks to set-up before our Lenten Suppers and others to haul off the recyclables, so please volunteer using the SignUp genius.

Upcoming Events:

  • Thursday, March 6 (6 pm)—Environmental Short Films at Pebble Hill

  • Saturday, March 22—Fellowship hike at the Kreher Forest Ecology Preserve

  • Sunday, April 6—Creation-Themed Children’s Chapel

  • Late May/Early June—Gleaning at City Market

If you have questions, please contact Lyn Causey.

2025 Chili Cookoff Winners

Best Overall Chili: Camille Rivenbark
Best Hot Dog Chili: Virginia Christian
Most Creative Chili: Brett Peterson
Spiciest Chili: Greg Glasscock
Best Non-Beef Chili: Kennon Rose

The Annual Chili Cookoff was held Feb. 19, after being postponed from January due to snow. There were 15 delicious batches of chili, along with hotdogs and lots of fixin’s. Thank you to the winners and the other participants—Michelle Wright, Jessica Hemard, Jeff Stallworth, Russell Miller, Sue Hill, Jimmy Holy, Gib Ellis, Daniel Axtell, Phil Lewis and Mary Littleton.

News from the Annual Parish Meeting

Holy Trinity’s 2024 Annual Parish Meeting began immediately following the 9 am service on Sunday, Dec. 8, with a prayer from Father Pete. Senior Warden Karen Porter led off by thanking all parishioners for their support of our many ministries and events over the past year and for their stewardship. Parish Financial Administrator Tracy Handler gave the financial report, which included an aspirational 2025 budget of $1.23 million.

Father Pete gave his annual report—declaring that the state of the Parish is robust! He remarked that—while people may believe that involvement in organized religion is waning—Holy Trinity’s attendance has increased 9 percent since last year. We have also filled key staff positions, dramatically expanding Youth & Young Adult Formation, as well as Communications efforts. He recognized the staff for its vital work. He recognized Rev. Clare Seales for her help, even after official retirement, in the absence of an assistant rector. Father Pete said that he is actively involved in the search for our new assistant rector and has already interviewed several candidates. He is also working to strengthen the relationship between the Day School and the wider parish, with the help of new director Gillianne Jones. He thanked the many lay leaders for their faithful work, and finally thanked the current Vestry for their service and leadership.

There was a brief question & answer period, before Father Pete introduced the candidates for Vestry. The new voting procedure allows parishioners to vote over an entire week, so anyone wishing to vote may do so until noon on Sunday, Dec. 15. The meeting was adjourned for voting to begin.

Annual Parish Meeting Packet

You can download a PDF of all materials from the Annual Parish Meeting by clicking here or on the image to the left.

Packet includes the proposed 2025 budget, materials and annual reports from various staff members and lay leaders.